
Our giving always starts with giving to our local church. We encourage our life group members to tithe each month to the church's general budget FIRST. Galatians 6:9-10

You can also give above and beyond your tithe to the life group accounts. We have a Care and Missions Account.

Missions Account giving is tax deductible, but the Care Account is not tax deductible.

Missions Account

Steps to Give to Care Account

  1. Click Here

  2. Fill Out the Giving Form

  3. In the Campus put "Rockwall"

  4. In the Fund Put "Other"

  5. In the Memo 1488-22580

Care Account

Steps to Give to Care Account

  1. Click Here

  2. Fill Out the Giving Form

  3. In the Campus put "Rockwall"

  4. In the Fund Put "Other"

  5. In the Memo 1910-26000