Here are the upcoming events in our Life Group!

Date Night (SMALL)

We will be having couples who are interested in participating, sign up for a date night with 2-3 other couples from the LG. We will put all the names in a random generator and set groups. From there, each group will pick a date and time that works best for everyone. It is a great way to meet people in the LG!

Fall Family Picnic

October 16th, 2022 Location TBD

Girls Night OUT

February 26th

We are still deciding on a date! As soon as we know the plans, we will post the information here.

Date Night

March 25th

We will meet up a Southern Junction for a night of no kids and great steak.

Guys Night

April 1st

We are not fooling you. The tentative plan is that we will be playing paintball and then going out to eat. We will post more info ASAP.

School is Out for Summer

May 21st

We will meet up at the Barron's House to celebrate school being over.


June 4th

We will meet as a life group to discuss the health of the life group, plan out our service projects, and schedule the next four months events.